20 research outputs found

    Energy storage systems – current status and outlook. Summary

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    Energy supply is facing a number of new challenges. The increasing liberalisation and globalisation of the energy markets not only sets new framework conditions, but also places new demands on the energy supply systems of the future. Central to this is the maintenance of security of supply with electrical energy in the face of increasing shares of fluctuating energy sources as well as changed procurement conditions for fossil raw materials. The prevention of further climate change and environmental pollution caused by energy supply also play an important role. Today, energy storage systems are an integral part of our energy supply system. Nevertheless, their role - outside the technical level - is hardly perceived. Against this background, the TAB report provides an overview of the current technical status of available energy storage systems and innovative storage concepts in both the stationary and mobile sectors. Energy storage systems play a key role in supply systems by making it possible or easier to match energy supply to demand that varies over time. Especially for the "volatile" energy forms of electricity and heat, there are only a few economically attractive technologies for storing large amounts of energy (e.g. pumped-storage hydropower plants). In supply systems with a high proportion of supply-dependent energy generation (e.g. wind power), energy storage can make a decisive contribution to ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy supply in the future. Subject and objective of the study Against this background - at the suggestion of the Committee for Education, Research and Technology Assessment - work on this subject area was begun in spring 2006 as a monitoring study. The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status and perspectives of current and future possibilities of energy storage in application and research. The project ran within the framework of the TAB monitoring programme "Sustainable Energy Supply". Due to the high importance of the field for the energy industry and energy policy, a broad thematic approach was taken. The areas of electricity, heating (cooling) and fuels were considered together in order to sound out recognisable synergies and/or competitions between these fields. The investigations focus on areas with a high relevance for the energy industry. In addition to the new requirements for energy storage in the context of a sustainable energy supply, a structured general overview of current and foreseeable future possibilities for energy storage is given - more or less to show the range of available technical possibilities and development options. In addition, selected areas of application (grid support with high shares of renewable energies, power generation in the sun belt, storage in vehicles) are presented in their special features with regard to the storage of energy - also with a view to more advanced storage concepts. Finally, key international research priorities or aspects that appear relevant in connection with energy storage - for selected countries and regions (D, EU, USA, JP, KP) - are listed and the need for research is addressed

    Industrial conversion of biomass. Summary

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    Industrielle stoffliche Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe. Sachstandsbericht zum Monitoring »Nachwachsende Rohstoffe«

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    Possibilities for geothermal electricity generation in Germany. Summary

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    Entwicklung der nĂ€chsten Speichergeneration fĂŒr mobile und stationĂ€re Anwendungen: Das Helmholtz-Institut Ulm fĂŒr Elektrochemische Energiespeicherung

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    nergiewende bedingt eine Transformation des heutigen Energienetzes mit all seinen Elementen der Energieerzeugung, EnergieĂŒbertragung, Energiespeicherung und nicht zuletzt des Energieverbrauchs. Vorteilhaft könnte sich dabei auswirken, dass in der Zukunft unsere Energienetze mit MobilitĂ€tsnetzwerken stĂ€rker verschmelzen werden und damit Synergien genutzt werden können. In dieser Ausgabe wird hinterfragt, welchen Beitrag Energiespeicher bei diesem Transformationsprozess leisten können, aber auch, welche vielfĂ€ltigen Herausforderungen und Probleme mit der Energiespeicherung auf der Forschungs-, Umsetzungs- und systemischen Bewertungsseite verbunden sind. Dabei spannt sich der Bogen von den Grundlagen und der Grundlagenentwicklung fĂŒr Energiespeicher in Deutschland hin zu den vielfĂ€ltigsten Einsatzmöglichkeiten.The energy transition means a transformation of today‘s energy grid with all its elements of energy production, energy transfer, energy storage and last but not least energy consumption. An advantage hereby could be that in the future our energy grids and mobility networks will increasingly merge allowing for synergies. The following thematic focus asks which contribution to these transformation processes energy storages can provide, but also what the various challenges and problems of energy storage are regarding research, implementation and systemic assessment. This ranges from basic research developments of energy storages in Germany to the diverse application possibilities

    Möglichkeiten geothermischer Stromerzeugung in Deutschland. Sachstandsbericht

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    Nanotechnology. Summary

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    Nanotechnologie. Endbericht zum TA-Projekt

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    Beatrice Dernbach/Wiebke Loosen (Hg.): Didaktik der Journalistik. Konzepte, Methoden und Beispiele aus der Journalistenausbildung (Renate Hackel-de Latour)Melanie Kretschmer-Elser: Kritische Reflexionen zur Medienkompetenz (Claudia Paganini)Petra Grimm / Heinrich Badura (Hg.): Medien – Ethik – Gewalt. Neue Perspektiven (Dagmar Hoffmann)Alexander Filipovic ́ / Michael JĂ€ckel / Christian Schicha (Hg.): Medien- und Zivilgesellschaft Kommunikations- und Medienethik (Karin Knop)Thomas Wiedemann: Walter Hagemann. Aufstieg und Fall eines politisch ambitionierten Journalisten und Publizistikwissenschaftlers (Kurt Koszyk)Michael Lukas: Josef Homeyer (1929–2010). Priester – Bischof – EuropĂ€er (Ferdinand Oertel